I am the father of a current 11th grader and I attended a Suited 4 Success workshop when my son was in the 10th grade. I was able to learn that early preparation for college was essential. Ms. Robinson impressed upon us the importance of course selections for students even at the 9th grade level and parent involvement in monitoring their students’ academic progress. Ms. Robinson stressed the importance of available resource as it relates to college research and scholarships. More importantly her work with parents did not end at the conclusion of the workshop; she continues sending parent’s informative college bound resources.
Mr. David Garnett
Deacon of Galilee Baptist Church
I am the father of a current 11th grader and I attended a Suited 4 Success workshop when my son was in the 10th grade. I was able to learn that early preparation for college was essential. Ms. Robinson impressed upon us the importance of course selections for students even at the 9th grade level and parent involvement in monitoring their students’ academic progress. Ms. Robinson stressed the importance of available resource as it relates to college research and scholarships. More importantly her work with parents did not end at the conclusion of the workshop; she continues sending parent’s informative college bound resources.
Mr. David Garnett
Deacon of Galilee Baptist Church
I am the father of a current 11th grader and I attended a Suited 4 Success workshop when my son was in the 10th grade. I was able to learn that early preparation for college was essential. Ms. Robinson impressed upon us the importance of course selections for students even at the 9th grade level and parent involvement in monitoring their students’ academic progress. Ms. Robinson stressed the importance of available resource as it relates to college research and scholarships. More importantly her work with parents did not end at the conclusion of the workshop; she continues sending parent’s informative college bound resources.
Mr. David Garnett
Deacon of Galilee Baptist Church

Your invited to join me for a Teleconference Call
Monday, May 23, 2016
7:00pm-8:30pm EST
I've had the opportunity to work with some amazing students from around the world and I have enjoyed every minute of it. During this teleconference, you'll learn exactly what’s needed of you as a Junior to finish off the school year strong in preparation for mastering the college admissions process over the summer. I have used this proven system to help my students yearly. Don’t worry; the final four will reveal how I helped my students collect $2.9 million dollars in scholarships and grants.
During the call, I show you how I have helped students prepare and how you can use these same steps to successfully navigate the college admissions process.
Are you struggling to figure out the process with no support or clarity? I have worked with families for years with the same struggles prior to joining the Suited 4 Success program. Families are overwhelmed just thinking about all the process entails; research, travelling, writing, time management, scholarship research and so much more…You are not alone. In fact, a lot of families come to me frustrated and overwhelmed by the complexity of where and how to begin navigating the process.
Some families come with a starting point while others are looking for where to begin. Either way we are always excited to help them move forward as we assist them with organizing and implementing a plan of action to successfully complete the process in a timely manner.
All You Need Is The Formula
The reason I'm able to successfully help high school students year after year navigate the college admission process is not because I am some kind of fairy godmother, not at all. After years of research and experience with the process; I discovered the formula that has worked in cracking the code to the college admissions process. I know by now your saying my child is unique, I agree; however the formula remains the same.
During the teleconference you will discover the following about “The FINAL 4”:
How to determine which test best suits you the SAT or ACT. It is so simple, you're gonna smack yourself on the forehead like why didn’t I think of that myself.
The 5 "magical" areas that will aid your search in choosing the right fit school. When I tell you how most students are choosing (maybe even your child) you are going to be blown away.
Why college visits are important before investing your money into a college…the answer will have you saying she makes an excellent point…let’s start our road trip today.
The fastest way to bang out your college essay before the buzzer sounds and not loose sleep. You won’t need to avoid getting out of bed in fact you will jump out of bed with excitement.
You don't want to miss the CALL...If you have been looking for answers your gonna love this teleconference call. Right about now, you're wondering about the cost I've decided to set the price at a measly $20.00.
Important: We have limited lines available for the teleconference call, it's important that you grab your spot now. You don't want to wait until the last minute only to find the Call is sold out.
Remember I’m no fairy godmother; I just discovered the formula to helping students stand out among the crowd. I look forward to you joining me on the call.