I am the father of a current 11th grader and I attended a Suited 4 Success workshop when my son was in the 10th grade. I was able to learn that early preparation for college was essential. Ms. Robinson impressed upon us the importance of course selections for students even at the 9th grade level and parent involvement in monitoring their students’ academic progress. Ms. Robinson stressed the importance of available resource as it relates to college research and scholarships. More importantly her work with parents did not end at the conclusion of the workshop; she continues sending parent’s informative college bound resources.
Mr. David Garnett
Deacon of Galilee Baptist Church
I am the father of a current 11th grader and I attended a Suited 4 Success workshop when my son was in the 10th grade. I was able to learn that early preparation for college was essential. Ms. Robinson impressed upon us the importance of course selections for students even at the 9th grade level and parent involvement in monitoring their students’ academic progress. Ms. Robinson stressed the importance of available resource as it relates to college research and scholarships. More importantly her work with parents did not end at the conclusion of the workshop; she continues sending parent’s informative college bound resources.
Mr. David Garnett
Deacon of Galilee Baptist Church
I am the father of a current 11th grader and I attended a Suited 4 Success workshop when my son was in the 10th grade. I was able to learn that early preparation for college was essential. Ms. Robinson impressed upon us the importance of course selections for students even at the 9th grade level and parent involvement in monitoring their students’ academic progress. Ms. Robinson stressed the importance of available resource as it relates to college research and scholarships. More importantly her work with parents did not end at the conclusion of the workshop; she continues sending parent’s informative college bound resources.
Mr. David Garnett
Deacon of Galilee Baptist Church


College Readiness Discovery Call
(All High School Students)
15 Minutes
If you have additional questions about whether our VIP College Bound Program is a great fit for your family, schedule a call today. We look forward to the opportunity to assist your family in successfully Winning The Game Of College Admissions. Please ensure that you mark your calendar and that all family members are available for the call. I value your time and mine.

College Readiness Session
(All High School Students)
60 Minutes @ $300 (Zoom Session)
Suited 4 Success will meet with families virtually for a consultation to discuss your students college goals, assess their current personal snapshot including transcripts, standardized testing, extra-curricular activities, as it relates to you Winning The Game Of College Admissions. Please ensure that you mark your calendar and that all family members are available for the call. I value your time and mine.

Comprehensive College Readiness Session
(All High School Students)
90 Minutes @ $500 (Zoom Session)
Suited 4 Success will meet with families for an in person or recorded virtual consultation to discuss the findings of your completed parent and student survey. We will review your students college goals, assess their current personal snapshot including transcripts, standardized testing, extra-curricular activities, and road-map to outline successful strategies to Winning The Game Of College Admissions. Please ensure that you mark your calendar and that all family members are available for the call. I value your time and mine.

Make A Decision Session
90 Minutes @ $350 (Zoom Session)
I Got In, I Got Accepted, Now What? Don't worry! During our Make A Decision virtual session we will discuss the pro's and con's of what each school offers academically, socially and most importantly financially. After discussing each school we will use a strategy to eliminate schools one by one until we have finalized which one you will call home for the next four years. After all, this is one of the first biggest decisions you will make in your life. Get Ready to Choose! Please ensure that you mark your calendar and that all family members are available for the call. I value your time and mine.

FAFSA Consultation
$200 (Zoom Session)
Suited 4 Success will meet with you virtually to complete your FAFSA filing. You will need to have with you your W2 and all tax forms. The session will last for approximately 1 hour please mark your calendar. Please note if you miss your appointment you will be charged a $50 rebooking fee. Make sure you have created your student and parent FAFSA ID & complete your FAFSA intake form at least one week prior to our meeting.

VIP College Bound Family Session
Zoom Session
(Suited4Success Clients Only)
Suited 4 Success will meet with the family for a virtual consultation to discuss the findings from your completed parent and student survey. Also, we will review your student’s college goals, assess their current personal snapshot including; transcripts, standardized testing, and extra-curricular activities. We will create your individualized road-map to successfully Win The Game Of College Admissions. Please ensure that you mark your calendar and that all family members are available for the call. I value your time and mine.

S4S VIP Clients: Make A Decision Session
Zoom Session
(Suited4Success Clients Only)
I Got In, I Got Accepted, Now What? Don't worry! During our Make A Decision virtual session we will discuss the pro's and con's of what each school offers academically, socially and most importantly financially. After discussing each school we will use a strategy to eliminate schools one by one until we have finalized which one you will call home for the next four years. After all, this is one of the first biggest decisions you will make in your life. Get Ready to Choose! Please ensure that you mark your calendar and that all family members are available for the call. I value your time and mine.
I appreciated how patient Ms. Robinson was. I personally had a lot going on in my life that really refrained me from reality. I was down and I didn't really talk about any of my problems with anyone. Besides the college and career help I received Ms. Robinson was a mentor and motivational speaker she treated us all like we were her own children. I thank her for everything!
Amija Coleman
West Chester University
This program should be more widely shared. My student and I thought a college education was more a mirage than reality. There is no way to find another program that encourages, fights for, assists in the development of a student from high school to college ready. Suited 4 Success provides all of these and much, much more! Mrs. Robinson fought every step of the way for my student. As a result, my student’s four-year college education costs me $0. Yes, Zero Dollars! Everything is paid for including room, board, fees at a Private College. “Drop the Mic”. I am at a lost for words!
Miss Brooks
Grandmother of Shaniya Phillips
Joining Suited 4 Success was probably the best decision that my parents and me made when preparing me for college. Ms. Robinson helped me figure out my college choices and supported me with my college essays, which is something I am very grateful for. I honestly believe if it weren’t for Ms. Robinson’s help my college application process would have been so much harder.
Janiya Nwosu
Towson University
Ms. Robinson was instrumental in helping us navigate the entire college process and ensuring that our daughter was on target with important milestones, and deadlines. She was methodical, strategic in her approach, and readily accessible to answer any questions or address any concerns. (SAT, ACT, College research/visits, college applications/essays, scholarships, FAFSA, and much more.) As much as Ms. Robinson does not tolerate laxity or laziness, she is also very caring and relates with tender loving care. Her program makes college prep much painless and smooth sailing for us and our daughter. It is highly recommended. Thank you Ms. Robinson.
A. Banjo
Parent of Joyce Banjo