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2022 College Tour

Sunday, April 10, 2022 - Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Limited Spots Only


2 Payment Option


Pay In Full Option

Includes: Hotel, Transportation, Breakfast & Lunch

Dinner Is Not Included

Suited 4 Success successfully runs yearly college tours along the East Coast. Our goal is to allow students to visit colleges and universities so they can learn first-hand from admissions counselors and students what each school has to offer.

The tour allows students to step out of their comfort zone, network with their peers, get a glimpse of what college life is like, and meet face-to-face with college recruiters and student ambassadors.


Some Advantages of attending a college tour:

  • Gain exposure to college life

  • Meet face-to-face with admissions counselors

  • On Spot Admissions at select schools - Senior's Only

  • Discover the pro's and con's from current students

  • The opportunity to explore the difference between a small, medium and large school 

Total $525

Includes: All students must be fully vaccinated. You must upload your vaccination card as well as have it on the college tour with you. *

Virtual Information Meeting:

Monday, February 28, 2022 07:00 PM EST
Click the link to join:

Monday, March 14, 2022 07:00 PM EST
Click the link to join:



Monday, April 4, 2022
7:00pm - 8:30pm EST

Location: TBA

Suited 4 Success reserves the right to make any
changes to the college tour that are beyond our control.

Rules & Regulations

Suited 4 Success will provide a safe and exciting learning experience through our College Tours. We adhere to strict discipline procedures. Every individual and situation is unique so the staff will handle each situation accordingly. However we do adhere to guidelines:

Fighting – Is not tolerated or accepted. If participants get into an altercation they will immediately be sent home on the next available public bus at the expense of their parents (without a refund).

We will provide a safe environment for all participants, granting them the opportunity to make an adult aware of a situation before it escalates to an altercation.

Profanity – will not be tolerated nor accepted during the course of the trip. Students are to show respect at all times not only for themselves, but towards their peers and every adult.

Disrespect – is not tolerated or accepted. If a participant is disrespectful in any way they will be sent home on the next available public bus at the expense of their parents (without a refund).

Cell phone / I-Pod Usage – Students are not allowed to listen to their I-pods or use their cell phones while visiting college campuses. During the bus ride, students will respect their neighbor and listen to their music at a volume they can only hear. We are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.

Female Attire

Slacks or Khakis (absolutely no leggings or jeans)

Button down Shirt or blouse (no cleavage)

Comfortable shoes (absolutely no sneakers/tennis shoes)

Absolutely no baggy jeans, sneakers, ripped tees, or shirts that reveal body parts.

Male Attire

Slacks or Khakis (absolutely no leggings or jeans)


Sweater or Vest, Button down or polo shirt

Comfortable shoes or all black Nike boots (absolutely no sneakers/tennis shoes)
Absolutely no baggy jeans, sneakers, ripped tees, or shirts that reveal body parts.


Early Bird Offer

Departure Location: TBA (MARYLAND)

Departure Time: TBA

Dress Code
Student must adhere to professional dress code at all times during the college tour

College Tour Flyer.png

Photo/Video Release

Students and Parents are required to grant permission to Suited 4 Success, its representatives and employees the right to take photographs and video of the student and the property in connection with the Journey to Success College Tour. They are required to authorize Suited 4 Success, its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically.

Student and Parents are required to agree that Suited 4 Success may use such photographs of the students with or without their names and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as promotion, illustration, advertising, and Web content.

Check this page for changes or updates to the college tour

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